What is Sales Enablement and How Does it Work
Nowadays, if you’re going the mainstream way to boost the sales of your business, then you might end up hurting your business.
To grow your business, you’ve to go “Out of the box” solutions in order to beat the competition and solve today’s sales challenges. And guess what, a lot of businesses nowadays relying more on “Sales Enablement” as a long-term solution.
So, if you’re reading this article, then probably you’ve heard about “Sales Enablement” somewhere, and that’s because “It’s a trendy topic” and for all good reasons.
Everyone wants to know “how come companies are getting 15% better win rates with sales enablement when compared with those without it?”
To remove all the misconceptions and to enlighten you about the hot topic, let’s break down everything and start with the basics.
What is Sales Enablement
Sales Enablement means “the process of providing the sales department with information, content, and tools in order to get more sales effectively.”
The main aim of Sales Enablement is to provide the salesperson with whatever they need to successfully engage the buyers throughout the “Dealing Process/Buying Process.”
The definition of Sales Enablement is completely dependent on your “needs and wants” from this platform. But, the definition which I have stated above is powered by “Research Firm CSO Insight.”
But, you might be wondering about “What are the roles of sales enablement teams?” And to check the answer to this question, you need to scroll down and check the answer to the common question.
What do Sales Enablement Teams Do?
Well, when you rely on the “Sales Enablement Team,” then you’ll be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy different activities from the team. Everything that includes in their priority is listed below:
· Sales Onboarding
· Learning Programs
· Sales Training and Creation of Sales Assets
· Implementing the Sales Coaching Strategy
· Sales Communication
· Cross-Functional Communication
· Managing different sales tool and user best practices
· Measuring the reports and success
You can expand the responsibilities of the Sales Enablement team by looking at the “Demands and Size” of your Company.
Let’s move to the next most demanding question, and that is, “Why is Sales Enablement Important.” Scroll down and check out the importance of Sales Enablement.
Why is Sales Enablement Important?
If you’re a beginner, then you can take Sales Enablement as the “Medicine” of achieving better results. But, is there anything more important that Sales Enablement provides you?
As I have already mentioned, sales enablement leads you to 15% better sales results. But, the better results are completely linked with the “Effective Sales Training” and “Stronger Customer Relationship.”
Yes, Sales Enablement has different benefits, but I am listing down the mainstream ones to help you know more about Sale Enablement. Let’s get started!
Keeping you in touch with your Potential Buyers
Finding the random lead is always a difficult task for the sales department, but keeping your eye on your potential buyers and existing leads can help you grow tremendously well.
But, with Sales Enablement in the house, you’ll be able to gather the relevant data and information regarding your targeted audience in order to fulfill their unique needs and wants.
Ability to provide valuable data
One of the leading duties that Sales Enablement team does is “They equip the whole team with great insights of the buyer such as; behavior, motivation and pain points.”
With such data in your hand, you can encounter everything easily, and there are chances that your customer might show interest in your product/service, and you’ll end up witnessing a great “hike” in your sales.
Increase quality sales
Yes, this point is the combination of the first two benefits, and without them, you can’t achieve this benefit.
When you’ve all the valuable data and then present it in an “Appealing Way,” then there are chances that you increase the quality of the sales and conversation as well.
When you present your products/services with complete knowledge, then there’s no one stopping you, and you’ll end up driving more revenue for the organization.
Long-Lasting Relationships
In sales, you shouldn’t only focus on “Generating more revenue” but, having long-lasting relationships with your customers can help you grow in a more effective way.
“Your Satisfied Customers are the free source of your Company’s Marketing.”
A salesperson who has better knowledge about potential buyer’s “Interest, Needs, Personality, and Company” then he/she has a better chance of maintaining a great relationship with the buyer.
So, that’s all from the section “Benefits of Sales Enablement,” and now it’s time to move to the last section, “When do you need Sales Enablement.”
When do you need Sales Enablement?
It depends completely on your requirements, but have a look at the following questions, and if you answered “No” to any of the questions listed below, then your company might need “Sales Enablement.”
Let’s get started with the questions!
· Are you meeting all the desired goals of your company?
· Is there any room for improvement in the “Sales Department?”
· Are we sure that our sales department is fully trained and using the tools to their fullest extent?
Now, the ball is in your court, and you’re the one who’s going to decide, “Do I really need a Sales Enablement Team?”
That’s all from the topic “What is Sales Enablement and How Does it Work” and don’t forget to give us your valuable feedback. It will help us to improve and grow!